Tuesday 19 November 2013

25 Perks Of Being A Man

Not everyone has the advantage of being a man. Only those who belong to this privileged category can identify the worldly goodness of being a man. Nothing in the world can compensate for the fun associated with manhood. However much we drool over the other sex, we can never even think of shifting base to that side. For once, the grass is definitely greener this side. The overwhelmingly long list of the advantages of being born as men makes us love ourselves for it even more. Here are some of the best benefits that inflate our male-prides a little more each second.
1.  You never require someone else to fix the tyre for you. Those superhuman hands that have a way with the tightest of jars and the courage to fix nude electric wires without so much of a blink of the eyelid are socket-ed right into your body.
Benefits Of Being A Man
2.  Neither do you care about repeating clothes nor does the world keep a record of how many times you’ve already worn that shirt before. A single suitcase suffices for even a week-long trip.
Benefits Of Being A Man
3. Other men never ogle at your chest while talking to you – unless, you’re Anil Kapoor. If you are, we must advise you to keep the gross foliage from peeking out of the tiniest of gaps between the shirt and your chest.
Benefits Of Being A Man
4. While appearing for an interview, you aren’t expected to bend forward while talking to the interviewer. Neither is aptitude judged by the shape and size of your rear.
Benefits Of Being A Man
5. Nudity in movies almost always implies naked women. It’s amazing how cinema is custom made for us men, showing us exactly what we want to see on the screen.
Benefits Of Being A Man
6. You can wear your favourite white T-shirt to the water park or the beach. But if you’re hiding man-boobs bigger than Pamela Anderson’s assets under that shirt, this one isn’t for you. White is banned for you.
Benefits Of Being A Man
7. Nobody stops telling that dirty joke when you suddenly walk in to the room. Rather, they rope you in the gang with every guy telling the dirtiest joke they’ve ever heard. It is never an embarrassing moment, always a means to bond more over the laughs.
Benefits Of Being A Man
8. If you’re the regular guy without any weird fetishes that involve wearing women’s lingerie, you will never face embarrassing strap problems in public.
Benefits Of Being A Man
9. You never miss out on any opportunity involving sex just because you are not in the mood, because you always are. It means endless possibilities and opportunities of having sex whenever we want!
Benefits Of Being A Man
10. Red, Blue, Yellow and Green are the only four colours you are expected to know of (black and white are oh-so-common). And if you’re able to additionally spot a Fucsia or a Mauve, you’re definitely getting laid.
Benefits Of Being A Man
11. As a man, you are genetically programmed to devote almost all of your time in thinking about sex. You’re gifted with the ability to do so at a stretch without other important things making their way to your mind. You can incessantly indulge in your wildest fantasies throughout the day without so much of a hint of guilt.
Benefits Of Being A Man
12. You do not need to buy any gifts or chocolates before visiting your friend. And it is absolutely alright for you to eat the chocolates on your own; the ones you may have bought for them, on the way.
Benefits Of Being A Man
13. You can ask the chemist for a pack of condoms, without caring about the fact that he might picture you naked, or worse, imagine you doing what naked people do.
Benefits Of Being A Man
14. You do not need a separate room for your dear shoes. Those three favourite pairs solve the purpose completely.
Benefits Of Being A Man
15. You do not need to end your friendship with your childhood friend just because he skipped you out of the guest list for his fifth birthday party by mistake that happened twenty years ago.
Benefits Of Being A Man
16. You do not need to control your bladder when in an emergency situation. All you have around is all you need. The world is your urinal and you have the power to paint it yellow. No, we’re not promoting urinating in public, just saying.
Benefits Of Being A Man
17. Your first grey hair and the first wrinkle are symbols of wisdom and character. Ageing is not what we fret over, rather it is what we take pride in.
Benefits Of Being A Man
18. You can sit with your legs apart whenever and wherever you want without anybody questioning your social etiquette. 
Benefits Of Being A Man
19. Your world doesn’t come crashing down if your friends do not notice your haircut. In fact, you don’t remember getting a haircut yourself until someone comments on it.
Benefits Of Being A Man
20. When people disapprove of your work, you don’t cry your eyes out assuming everybody hates you because you don’t really care about what people have to say about you. You know you’re a man, and you’re awesome!
Benefits Of Being A Man
21. You’re very comfortable with silence, especially when it means not uttering a word when you’re watching your favourite game with your buddies. Two hours can pass easily without a conversation without any of you thinking ‘Is he mad at me?’
Benefits Of Being A Man
22. Things just work out on their own with best friends. It’s not a big deal to tell a friend you’d call and completely forget about it because more often than not, he would’ve forgotten it too. If it’s a matter of life and death (where death equals only death and not getting a pimple), he’d call you up himself.
Benefits Of Being A Man
23. You can grow a moustache, which is not the point here because a few girls can too. But you can always be assured that no matter how bad the moustache looks on you, it would definitely be better than what it would look like on a woman.
Benefits Of Being A Man
24. You feel blessed you get to go to the bachelor party instead of the bridal shower. Who wants to chit-chat with people you secretly hate till the jaws fall off, when you can get a free lap dance from the hottest stripper in the town and wake up next morning with no memory of the previous night whatsoever?
Benefits Of Being A Man
25. We don’t mind being sex objects. We love being sex objects. In fact, we want to be sex objects. Sex, oh! We love sex.
Benefits Of Being A Man


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