Wednesday 16 October 2013

Politics of India: What are some things an Indian voter must keep in mind while voting in the 2014 general elections?

Have you ever seen - say - in your state affairs the decisions are being taken by other state people? Did you ever agree that four or five people take the decision to divide a state just for votes? Will you agree that a person was jailed for the last 2 years and CBI found many cases against him and today CBI said in the court ( once the investigating officer was changed) there is no case and he is released because Congress wants his votes? 


Do you think these are biased? 
At the fag end of the power - when elections were about to be declared - 
you brought "poori, roti, real estate, hawker's act, etc etc in just a week - and expect us to ( like fools, mindless idiots) stand in line and vote? 

Just because an Army General was sitting with some one you don't like, you have the audacity and carelessness to bring out the secrets of national security to public discussion? 

These are few things - I am not talking about 2G or Coal and Files.  

Finally - That party's earliest leader and who was in power for 15 years - declared that there should be one state for Telugu people.
Smt Indira Gandhi - refused to separate the state ...of Andhra 
There was a commission which sent report not to divide the state.
and you want to divide it for Votes? You do not know what is India, its culture, and petty people behind you forcing your hand for their own profits and power. And you don't realize it. 

That is one thing...Where we will go.  Where this country will go. In the name of Rahul and Sonia these people are making the mockery of democracy and treating us simple idiots.  Nigeria, Kenya and Zambian people are much more better than us. 

And now, we are asking what we must keep in our mind while voting in 2014. 
Any thing you keep ---- but stick to one thing - never vote to them - provided you are proud to be an Indian. 

If not go to Egypt or Syria and learn some attitude


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