You probably think your daily commute is bad. Heck, you probably hit the horn and yelled obscenities at fellow commuters this morning, however, consider yourself lucky that you don’t have to battle traffic in the world’s worst traffic-congested cities.
Here are the top 10 worst traffic cities in the world…in totally chaotic order, of course:
1. Milan, Italy
Consider yourself lucky that you don’t have to contend with more than just cars, truck, and the occasional motorcycle on the highways. Commuters in Milan have to watch out for cars, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, a multitude of cyclists…and sheep, which and prone to blocking roads in stubborn herds.
2. Detroit, Michigan, USA
It’s not called the “Motor City” for nothing—Detroit is the heart and soul of America’s auto industry, and commuters feel the result of this, spending a good majority of time stuck in traffic jams and inhaling exhaust fumes.
3. London, England
Bonny Londoners might not be so ever tempered when stuck in traffic. And, who can blame them. The city ranked fifth for the nastiest traffic jams in the entire world!
4. Brussels, Belgium
You may feel slightly bunged up after eating the vegetable of the same name, so it’s ironic that the city itself experiences some of the most evil traffic jams around the globe.
5. San Francisco, California, USA
There must be something in the water in San Francisco that causes motorists to suffer an annual average of approximately 50 extra hours wasted in traffic congestion.
6. Paris, France
Oo la la…Paris might be the city of lights and sites, but it’s also the city renowned for traffic “c’est pas terrible!”
7. Dallas, Texas, USA
The southern USA is known for its gracious hospitality, but all bets are off when it comes to merging onto the I-20, I-30, or the I-45—the majorly packed metropolitan freeways in the state.
8. Antwerp, Netherlands
Traffic jams in Antwerp are considered the most frustrating in the world, according to a US Inrix traffic survey—where the average commute is known to take 40-percent longer that normal.
9. Los Angeles, California, USA
Sure, the city of angels is known for its beautiful weather, but one doesn’t expect to spend most of their time stuck in traffic.
10. Rotterdam, Netherlands
This huge shopping and tourist metropolis in the Netherlands is known for traffic jams all day, at all times of the day.
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