Friday 27 September 2013

Occupation/Profession is often linked to a strong bias in terms of political views. For instance, here in Australia, two basically true stereotypes are that teachers are left-wing and those in the military and police are right-wing.

What in your opinions are other occupations where there is a strong skew towards left or right? Just asking as I was discussing this with some friends. 

Also am particularly interested if in these occupations have changed over time. For instance, at least here in Australia, to my knowledge, up until the 1960's and even the 1970's teachers were far more evenly balanced, but afterwards became heavily left-wing.

Also how much of this bias is due to 'rational self-interest', ie voting for a party which will provide lots of funding to your profession (ie right-wing parties will generally fund the military more) and how much instead reflects the broader worldview which tends to be present in the profession?

I'm sure there would be lots of research on this, but just thought it's be interesting to ask.

Another interesting theory I have heard which is a good predictor of occupation/political views link, is Status-Income Disequilibrium; this means when the status accorded to any occupation is either disproroportionately low or high, compared to the income earned.

There are some occupations where Status is higher than Income; examples would include teachers, journalists and academics. These occupations tend to be the most strongly left-wing.

OTOH, there are some occupations where Status is lower than Income:examples would include tradespeople and small-business owners. These occupations tend to be the most strongly right-wing.

Would you agree that this observation is correct.

As this is a study/education themed website, people might also like to comment on their observation on the link between degree choice and political views (which of course later leads to the occupational difference).

1 comment:

  1. You are right politics is seen by every one like a game only
